
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Proverbs 27:17

Sunday School
The church is not called to be a group of individuals who just so happen to gather together on Sunday morning. Instead, she is called to be a group of disciples - growing in faith together and leading others to do the same. Our new Sunday School book - "Discipling" by Mark Dever - is a guide to help us do just that.
Wednesday Night at Christ Presbyterian is the time to get your battery recharged. Going from one Sunday to the next without the fellowship of the saints and the nourishment of the Word is simply too long. On Wednesday Nights, we gather for a meal at 5:30, followed by Bible Study at 6:00. 

Bible Survey Class - Looking for an opportunity for in-depth study of God's word? This is the place!


MEN'S BREAKFAST  LADIES BRUNCHFebruary 18 - 8:00am February 16 - 10:00am
@CPC@Cafe 98