Officer Ordination and Installation

Officer Ordination and Installation
“The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task.” -1 Timothy 3:1

 We will ordain and install a new class of church officers at Christ Presbyterian in a few weeks. Paul tells us in 1 Timothy 3 that serving as a church officer is a “noble task.” Because church leadership is such a high calling, Paul goes on to list a number of qualifications that those in church leadership must exhibit. Church officers must be: “above reproach, self- controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach,” and “well thought of by outsiders” just to name a few of all the criteria Paul lists.

This list of qualifications is daunting, and it ought to humble us and drive us to our knees in prayer. So as we prepare to ordain and install this new class of church officers, would you join me in making the following prayers:

1) Pray for Our New Officers: It is almost axiomatic that when a new church officer is ordained, the devil finds a way to attack them. I have seen it happen many times personally, and I know of many other instances I have not personally witnessed. Pray that our new officers and their families will stand up under these attacks and remain steadfast.

2) Pray for Our Existing Officers: Each of our new elders and deacons will be joining a team of officers already serving. Each new officer will bring new ideas and new ways of doing things with them as they begin to serve. Pray that our officers – new and existing – would work well together for the good of the kingdom and the growth of the church.

3) Pray for Our Congregation: Most of us struggle with change – especially change in leadership. Pray that our congregation receives these new elders and deacons with joy and excitement for the future as they begin their time of service.

I am so thankful that the Lord has provided gifted and Spirit-filled elders and deacons to serve his church here at Christ Presbyterian and I am looking forward to seeing how he uses them in the work of his kingdom this year.

Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster

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