Thank You

Thank You!
“For this reason, because I have heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love toward all the saints, I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you always in my prayers.” –Ephesians 1:15-16

 Paul heard that the church in Ephesus was abounding in faith and love. We’re not told exactly what that means – but we can make some assumptions. I imagine the Ephesians were leaning into the teaching of the Apostles and studying their Old Testament Scriptures. I imagine they were learning to love one another despite the ethnic and cultural differences that formerly divided them. I imagine they were learning how to effectively reach out to those in Ephesus who hadn’t yet heard the story of Jesus.

When Paul heard about this, it brought him great joy. In fact, it brought him so much joy that he says, “I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you always in my prayers.” Paul was a proud pastor. Not proud of himself, but proud of the congregation he served in Ephesus. He was proud because they got it. They understood the message of the gospel and its implications. They understood that the good news about Jesus was not for them to hoard – it was for them to share. They understood that the good news about Jesus was not to be kept in their minds – it was to be lived out in their day-to-day walk. Paul was proud of his congregation – and he wanted them to know it.

Like Paul, I am rejoicing over all of you here in Daphne. I am giving thanks to the Lord for you in my prayers. Because I haven’t just heard of your faith and your love – I’ve seen it over these last few weeks. I’ve seen how deeply you understand the gospel – not just its message, but it’s implications as well. I’ve seen you share it and live it out as you have served our community through Vacation Bible School.

Thank you for all you have done over these last weeks. Your love and service mean the world to me – but I promise they mean much more to the children and families you have served and blessed with the gospel.

Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster

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