CEF Manasota 2024 Ministry Update

CEF Manasota 2024 Ministry Update

As we have launched into a new year, we look back on ministry success in 2023 and we look forward to what awaits in 2024. Over the past year we ministered to more than 1,000 children, most of whom are attending one of our 24 Good News Club locations. While our current focus is on strengthening these ministry locations with additional volunteers, we are also excited to pursue growth opportunities throughout the year. Our vision is to be in 30+ school locations with the Gospel in the fall of 2024, with a special emphasis on adding middle school clubs. Students are really starting to form their identity and sense of self-worth in middle school, and it is vital that we assist them in finding their identity in Jesus Christ. As Christ Presbyterian Church faithfully supports this ministry of sharing the Gospel in public settings, we also ask that you pray earnestly for open doors to new avenues of ministry, particularly for the middle schools in our area.
In pursuing these endeavors, we are looking forward to our largest fundraising event of the year on Tuesday, April 9th, in which we will be hosting the CEF Manasota 1st Annual Charity Golf Scramble. This event will bring together over 100 golfers on 2 courses to raise funds for the ministry of CEF. Because this tournament will be played on the same day as a popular giving event for all nonprofits in our local area, we will have a chance to receive matching donations on all gifts up to $100. Please be praying for this event to be fruitful for CEF and to be a true opportunity to meet members of our community who need to know about the good work this ministry does. Know that in these efforts we are also praying for your church family in Alabama. May God continue to use Christ Presbyterian Church to be a light in your local community and beyond!
-Your partner for the Gospel in Florida
Matthew Wade

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