3 Ways You Can Help On Sunday

3 Ways You Can Help On Sunday
“Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” -1 Peter 4:9-10

 On Monday morning, I often set aside some time to reflect on Sunday. What was the Lord up to yesterday? Who was in worship and who was missing? What went well and what could be improved? This week, two problems cropped up that got me thinking: we ran out of bulletins in worship, and we ran out of food at our potluck. Let me be honest – I love these kinds of problems. They are problems that point to growth. They are problems that point to life. And they are easy to solve.

Here are three ways that you can help solve these and other growth-related problems on Sundays:

1) Park Next Door – If you are able, would you begin to park next door at Trione Park on Sundays and Wednesdays? Parking next door will require you to arrive at church a few minutes earlier than usual and perhaps even sweat a little on the walk over, but it will allow our visitors to have a parking place right here at the church. Parking next door is a great way to “show hospitality to one another.”

2) Sit Up Front and On the Piano Side – Trust me, I get it. Presbyterians don’t like to sit up front in worship. When I’m in the congregation, the back row is my favorite place to be. But it’s also the most convenient and comfortable place for our visitors to find a seat. “Showing hospitality to one another” means making the most accessible seats – those by the double doors and in the back – available to our visitors.

3) Invite a Visitor to Lunch – CPC is an outstandingly friendly church. Every time someone visits, I’m usually about the 10th person who talks to them because y’all beat me to it. Can I encourage you to go the extra mile? After church, you have to eat – and so do our visitors. Why not invite them to go with you? Nothing “shows hospitality” like connecting over a meal.

The Lord is blessing us immensely by sending so many visitors our way. Let’s do everything we can to bless them in return.

Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster

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