October 3rd, 2023
Being the Hands and Feet of Christ
“And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the inn keeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’” –Luke 10:35
In Luke 10, Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. A Jewish man was robbed and nearly beaten to death on the highway. Several other Jewish men see him lying in this condition – but do nothing to help. Then a Samaritan man comes along. Jews and Samaritans were sworn enemies, so we expect him to pass this Jewish man by. But he doesn’t. He binds up his wounds and puts him up at an inn at his own expense until he is well again. He understands that this Jewish man is one of God’s children – just as he himself is. And so he knows that he is responsible for his care and well-being.
One of our own – Ada Bailey – is in need of our care. She is much closer to us than that Jewish man was to the Good Samaritan. So how much more ought we to give whatever we are able that Ada and her family may have all they need in this difficult time?
We have set up a pass-through account at Christ Presbyterian to provide for the Bailey family’s living expenses during this time. Since they are at St. Jude, all of their medical expenses, food, housing, and transportation are covered. But Shawn and Lindsay have already missed some work – and they will be missing more. Let’s give generously, as the Good Samaritan did, so that the Bailey’s can focus on Ada’s recovery without having to worry about other less important things.
Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster
“And the next day he took out two denarii and gave them to the inn keeper, saying, ‘Take care of him, and whatever more you spend, I will repay you when I come back.’” –Luke 10:35
In Luke 10, Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan. A Jewish man was robbed and nearly beaten to death on the highway. Several other Jewish men see him lying in this condition – but do nothing to help. Then a Samaritan man comes along. Jews and Samaritans were sworn enemies, so we expect him to pass this Jewish man by. But he doesn’t. He binds up his wounds and puts him up at an inn at his own expense until he is well again. He understands that this Jewish man is one of God’s children – just as he himself is. And so he knows that he is responsible for his care and well-being.
One of our own – Ada Bailey – is in need of our care. She is much closer to us than that Jewish man was to the Good Samaritan. So how much more ought we to give whatever we are able that Ada and her family may have all they need in this difficult time?
We have set up a pass-through account at Christ Presbyterian to provide for the Bailey family’s living expenses during this time. Since they are at St. Jude, all of their medical expenses, food, housing, and transportation are covered. But Shawn and Lindsay have already missed some work – and they will be missing more. Let’s give generously, as the Good Samaritan did, so that the Bailey’s can focus on Ada’s recovery without having to worry about other less important things.
Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster
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