Sparks of Revival

Sparks of Revival
“I should point out that I am an atheist, but I find that I sometimes need words and concepts from religion to understand the experience of life as a human being.” –Jonathan Haidt

This quote from Jonathan Haidt, author of “The Anxious Generation”, fascinates me. Notice what Haidt says. He cannot make sense of his life – cannot understand his life as a human being without words and concepts from religion. Yet, and this is the fascinating part, he is an atheist.

How can that be? How can someone see words and concepts from religion as an integral part of what it means to be human and yet not be religious? I’m not sure. But I’m actually not sure we need to understand. What we as Christians need to do is realize that people like Jonathan Haidt exist. Such people are not hostile to religion or religious practices such as worship, prayer, and the study of Scripture. Such people would gladly accept our invitation to a worship service, Bible study, or prayer meeting. Such people would gladly accept our offer to pray with or for them.

Perhaps all that people like Haidt need to move from atheist to disciple is a simple invitation to “come and see” – as Phillip invited Nathaniel in John 1 so long ago. Perhaps the deeper our society delves into secularism, the more pronounced their need for God becomes. Perhaps the emptiness, anxiety, and depression our society is feeling is not the smoke of ruin, but is instead the sparks of revival.

Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster

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