Choose Church: 3 Ways to Connect

Choose Church: 3 Ways to Connect
 “The spiritual fellowship that a believer enjoys with his Redeemer is not a solitary or selfish joy, but one which he cannot possess alone, or except in common with other believers. It is the very nature, therefore, of the Gospel to be not a solitary religion, but a social one.” -James Bannerman

 In the third sermon from our series “Choose Connection” at Christ Presbyterian, we walked through the Bible’s teaching on the church. Like all other forms of connection, connecting to the church is a choice. This choice is communicated clearly in Hebrews 10:25 where the author encourages us not to “neglect to meet together.” Neglect implies relationship. Neglect implies a choice to engage with someone or something else.
As James Bannerman points out, the Gospel is by nature a connectional enterprise. It is “not a solitary religion, not a social one.” Here are three choices you can make to connect to the church this week:
  1. I will be physically present in worship on Sunday morning. My dad always says that love is spelled “T-I-M-E.” Jesus loved his bride, the church, so much that he died for her. Our job, as Christians, is to love his bride by living for her – by spending time with her. The baseline or starting point for all Christians should be regular, weekly attendance at Sunday morning worship. Are you out of the habit? It’s time to choose connection. Start here.
  2. I will be spiritually present in worship on Sunday morning. Physical presence is the starting point, but true love for the bride of Christ requires more than physical presence. Have you ever been at a restaurant and seen a couple sitting together at dinner but staring at their phones and not speaking? They’re physically present together, but they’re not connecting. We often do something similar at church. Our rear ends are in the seats, but our hearts and souls are far from the Lord and his worship. Let’s choose a different path. Let’s choose to love the Lord with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength. Let’s be spiritually present in worship – and not afraid to show it.
  3. I will step up and serve. The Lord Jesus loved the church so much that he sacrificed his life for her. A sure sign of true love for the bride of Christ is that we choose to sacrifice for her as well. My challenge for you this week is to call me or call an elder and ask where you can serve. Let’s choose sacrifice. Let’s choose deep connection.
Don’t choose to do life alone. Choose connection – choose church.
Your Pastor and Friend,
John Knox Foster 

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